In accordance with its mission our Department seeks to become a honoured partner of corporations and other institutions. Our educational activities are based on intense researches in close cooperation with prestigous national and foreign partners.
Below is a list of our most importan research projects from the past two decades:
- Fresh graduates’ career plans and their perception of SSC’s attractiveness, an international study, University of Miskolc, 2016.
- Motivational characteristics and special leadership mechanisms of young generations, Herend Porcelain Manufactory, 2015
- The characteristics of the future of work and future workplaces, the competence criteria of successful employees, AonHewitt, 2014
- Ethical behaviour of organisations in Hungary, integrity management shown through the example of Telenor Hungary Zrt., Business Integrity Case Competition Awards, CEU, 2014
- The role of emotional intelligence (EQ) in teleworking, the study of fresh graduates with TEIQUE, KJM Foundation, 2014
- Developing automotive suppliers’ management systems, JKL KKT, continuing university research projects, 2012-2015;
- Conditions for extending the number of foreign students funded by the European Integration Fund, (EIA/2011/1.3.3.), 2012;
- Employment and motivation opportunities of fresh graduates by applying atypical solutions, KJM Foundation, 2012
- Talent management in the higher education sector from a labour market perspective, KJM Foundation, 2012
- Investigating human capital and global careers in Hungary, Global Careers: Critical Perspectives, Florence Production, 2011-2013
- Developing the elements of supply chain management (JKL-P6-T3). A research university project in automotive technology, transport and logistics, Priority Research Field 2010-2012, Quality-oriented and harmonised education and R&D strategy and operational model at the University of Technology and Economics (TÁMOP-4.21/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002);
- Developing the quality management system for automotive suppliers (JKL-P8-T2). A research university project in automotive technology, transport and logistics, Priority Research Field 2010-2012, Quality-oriented and harmonised education and R&D strategy and operational model at the University of Technology and Economics (TÁMOP-4.21/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002);
- The quality assurance system of R&D activities. A research university project, Developing the horizontal elements of a R&D&I environment, 2010-2012, Quality-oriented and harmonised education and R&D strategy and operational model at the University of Technology and Economics (TÁMOP-4.21/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002);
- The possibility of extending electronic invoicing and document management in Hungary, National Office for Research and Technology 2010
- Adopting technology mapping in the building industry: corporate applications, BVM Épelem Ltd., 2009
- Adopting technology mapping in telecommunications: corporate applications, Hungarian Telecom, 2008
- Developing novel mobile content, T-Mobile, 2006
- Life after satisfaction surveys; joint project by Hewitt Consulting and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2006
- Theoretical bases for the introduction of performance management and performance reward systems, National Pharmaceutical Institute, 2006
- Study on aggregated production design and production organization issues in flexible manufacturing systems.Supported by OTKA, 2001-2004
- Effective use of knowledge management in developing quality management systems for European SMEs.Consortium member in the framework of the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci Programme (lead firm: University of Bremen), 2001-2003
- Study of modernized manufacturing production systems through MPX software and discrete-event simulations, supported by OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Programmes), 1997-2000
- Devising syllabi for the courses Engineering Management and Quality Management; during the project, the University acted as the lead firm in the consortium of affected Hungarian universities. TDQM project supported by OMFB-PHARE, 1996-1997
- Promotion of full-scale TQM (Total Quality Management) on a national level, and its incorporation into university curricula, research, and business practices.Joint project between the State University of New York at Buffalo and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, with USAID support, 1993-1998